Guide Spotlight: Qing is making friends around the globe

Kristina Abernathy

Guide Spotlight: Qing is making friends around the globe

Several years ago, Qing, a 54-year-old retiree living in Beijing, saw an older gentleman in a park practicing Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese discipline of meditative movements. Intrigued, she started a conversation with him and soon began taking lessons. She soon expanded Qigong, another meditative practice that cultivates and balances "life energy".She became a dedicated practitioner, eventually joining the Beijing Xi-cheng District Qigong Team. She enjoys performing in competitions with her team and making new friends.

Finding a new platform

In June 2021, GetSetUp launched a Mandarin program and started looking for Mandarin-speaking Ambassadors to share their knowledge with Learners worldwide. When Qing heard about the platform from the Mandarin program manager, she took some classes and eventually decided to host her own class in Qigong. She likes the idea of older adults teaching other older adults. 

"I've learned a lot from GetSetUp. Besides my class, I also attend other Mandarin classes. For example, Flora's gardening classes. Yesterday, she talked about herbs. I asked her questions, and she answered very patiently. I'm amazed at the expertise of the GetSetUp Guides." 

Meeting new people

Qing meeting new friends virtually.

Although her sessions are mainly taught in Mandarin, she knows some English learners might come into the class. So, she researched how to say all the movements in English. 

Her first session was successful, with more than 15 learners attending from the United States, Canada, Australia, and China. As she hosts more sessions, she's also had learners from Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan. 

"I've met many new friends. I don't have much contact with people from other countries in my everyday life, but with GetSetUp I can meet people from around the world. Everyone is very friendly and gives us a lot of support and encouragement."

Encouraging others 

Because many of her students are new to Qigong and may find it unfamiliar, she urges them not to get discouraged.

"When I first learned Qigong, I didn't quite understand it. I felt like I was doing school exercises, and I felt that these movements were nothing. But after half a year of practicing, I felt less stiffness in my joints."   

She also knows that some older adults may have problems with their posture and confidence when trying new exercises. But, she knows from personal experience that diligence pays off. 

"After learning Qigong, there is a feeling of standing upright from heaven to earth. You gain more confidence in daily activities and in interacting with people. We are like a team, everyone encourages each other, and we can all keep it as a habit."

Qing has also encouraged two of her friends, Sophia and Yanzi to join as well.  

Be sure to check out GetSetUp Mandarin classes, including Qigong.

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Guide Spotlight: Qing is making friends around the globe
Guide Spotlight: Qing is making friends around the globe
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Guide Spotlight: Qing is making friends around the globe
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Qing 今年54岁,已经退休,目前生活在北京。几年前,她在公园里偶遇了一位正打太极拳的老人。老人行云流水的动作让她着迷。她不禁走上前,和老人搭话,然后有了机缘向老人学习太极拳。后来,她又把自己的探索拓展到了健身气功,这是另一种培养和平衡“生命能量”的健身练习。




“我从GetSetUp学到了很多。我除了自己的课,还会参加其他中文课程。比如Flora的园艺课。昨天她讲了香草植物。她会很耐心地回答我的问题。GetSetUp 分享者都非常专业于自己的领域,我觉得非常棒!”  ---- Qing


虽然Qing的课程主要以中文授课,但她知道,一些讲英文的朋友可能也会进入课堂。 她很认真地准备如何用英语介绍所有的动作。

她的第一堂课很成功,有来自美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和中国大陆地区的超过 15 名学员参加。 后来,随着她开出了更多课程,她还遇见了来自新加坡、马来西亚和台湾地区的学员。

“我认识了很多新朋友。日常生活中,我和其它国家的朋友接触并不多,但是通过 GetSetUp 我可以认识来自世界各地的人。每个人都非常友好,给了我们很多支持、帮助和鼓励。” ---- Qing



“刚开始学气功的时候,我还不是很懂。感觉就像是像学校做操一样,似乎没什么特别。但是练了半年之后,感觉关节不那么僵硬了,渐渐感受到了健身气功带给我的益处。” --- Qing

她知道,一些老年人在尝试新练习时可能会姿势不准确,或者缺少信心。 但是,她也有体会,坚持练习,是一定会有收获和回报的。

“ 我学了健身气功之后,行走之间,待人接物之间,都多了一种顶天立地的感觉,更加自信和挺拔。我们就像是一个健身小队,大家互相鼓励,可以坚持下去。” -- Qing


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